Returns & Cancellations

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 14 days of your original purchase date for a full refund. A 10% restocking fee may apply depending on the situation. Shipping costs for international orders are non-refundable. It is also the buyer's responsibility to pay return shipping costs if you are intending to return an item. Products marked as "Final Sale" are non-returnable.

Returns that may fall under the category of buyer remorse include but are not limited to: Color or weight discrepancies, specification issues with your parts, a case not fitting with your instrument, and simply changing your mind about your order. This will require the buyer to pay for return shipping and may still incur a 10% restocking fee. Modifying or changing the product in any way will automatically void your return.

In order to process your return request, please email [email protected] and provide us with the following information:

  1. Order number
  2. Product name and details (and at our request, photos of the product)
  3. Reason for return

Once we have this information, we will do our best to process your request in a timely manner. If a return is approved and a return label is sent to you, you will have up to 14 days to return the item before the label becomes automatically voided and the return closed. The return label must match the original shipping address of the order on file. We will not create return labels for addresses outside of the original order address. 

Our return address is: 

AE Guitars Returns Department
3022 Durfee Ave
Suite D
El Monte, CA 91732

All returns must be shipped to this address. Shipping your return to the wrong address will result in a closed return as we cannot retrieve the order from a different address. 

Parts Compatibility

Specifications on our bodies and necks may have a 1-2 mm tolerance. It is your responsibility to make sure your parts will work with this body before purchasing. If your parts do not fit, you can either source compatible parts or you can request a return but return shipping will be your responsibility if this is the reason. A restocking fee will apply in this situation as well.
Send us a message before buying if you have any questions about compatible parts and we'll do all we can to assist.

All returned product must be in "as received" condition and unaltered in any way. Do not bolt together, install screws, sand, drill, rout, paint, file, take the protective plastic off pick-guards or alter the product in any way until you have thoroughly inspected it for accuracy and have checked the fit. Products that has been damaged or altered in any way will not be accepted for return. If any signs of installation are found including impressions from screws or test fitting tuners, the item will not be eligible for return. Returns are not granted for factory second or blowout items under any circumstances. 

Damaged Items

If you are returning an item damaged in transit, please contact us via e-mail with clear photos of the damage. We will approve most damage returns after opening a UPS/USPS claim. If a damage return is received and no damage is found, your refund will be released minus the return shipping costs and a restocking fee.

Custom Orders

There are no returns or cancellations accepted on custom order products. Due to the nature of how they are produced, we cannot honor cancellations after we have submitted your order for production as they are made-to-order products. Each and every custom order product will go into production within 48 hours of the order being placed. Each custom order will be inspected by our in-house luthier before being shipped to you to ensure our high quality standards. Please keep this return policy in mind before making your purchase.


You should expect to receive your refund within 2 weeks of the package arriving at our offices, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (5 to 7 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it, and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request.